Pickup and Delivery info

Where can we pick up our order from?

BayBeach Pizza and Pasta is located at 238 Bay Street, Port Melbourne, 3207

We are open 7 days of a week 5 PM to 11:55 AM

Orders can be picked up from the restaurant or Outside

For orders being picked up, please call us on (03) 96451851

Just let us know you are outside and the car you are in then we will come out to give you your order.

Where we deliver to?

We deliver to suburbs within a 5km radius to our restaurant.

For locations outside of these areas, we ask that you put your request in by calling

How does delivery work?

Delivery only applies to orders over $25.

Prepped Time varies for different products from 30minutes to 60minutes.

Delivery is only applicable during restaurant opening hours.

How much does delivery cost ?

 Delivery fee is $10. Fee is applied on all orders over $25
Delivery is free over $100

Note: This may change when we offer any other store or online shop promotion.